The leader of a right-wing student group at University of Queensland is dead, a day after leading a loud protest against a "drag queen story hour" at the Brisbane Library.

It is believed UQ Liberal National Club President Wilson Gavin took his own life and was found dead this morning.  The Liberal National party turned its back on the group and disendorsed it last month.  Gavin was already known for his media appearances during Australia's debate on marriage equality, which he opposed even though he was Gay.

Gavin is one of the protesters seen on videos that made the rounds over the weekend.  His group aggressively surrounds a pair of drag performers, Queeny and Diamond, who were at the library to read tories to children.  The protesters bellow in unison, "Drag queens are not for kids."  

But Queeny - who goes by Johnny Valyrie offstage - says the two have had Queensland "blue cards" showing that they were registered for working with children, and had more than five years' experience in youth work and education. 

And Diamond acknowledged the loss felt my Mr. Gavin's loved ones.  "My thoughts and deep condolences are with his family and friends at this tragic time," Diamond said.  "We all need to band together at this awful, difficult time.  Please, if any of you are feeling affected in any way by these recent events, reach out for support." While you are looking for the job, try to play online. We sure you have already heard about new FairGo online casino for Aussies and here is the link with login to Fair Go Casino so you can try it. Besides there are many different promocodes and coupons for new and old players. Slot machines adding every day, so you definitelly find game for yourself.

If someone reading this is going through a rough patch and needs someone to talk to, try:  Lifeline on 13 11 14; Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467; or QLife on 1800 184 527.