An on-line university student in the US (where else) had to fight tooth and nail to get a grade changed because her professor didn't believe Australia was a country.  Crikey!

"At first I thought it was a joke; This can't be real," said 27-year-old stay-at-home mom Ashley Arnold of Idaho Falls, Idaho.  "Then as I continued to read I realized she was for real," she told BuzzFeed News. 

Oi mate.  Straya.

Ms. Arnold is completing an online sociology degree with Southern New Hampshire University.  Her assignment in her final class - which cost her US$1,000 - was to compare a social norm in the US and another country.  She chose Australia, because it exists.  If it didn't, then how would you explain these?

If Australia didn't exist, then how do you explain these?

The professor gave Ashley a zero on the assignment - according to the teacher, "Australia is a continent; not a country."  Which seems inexplicable.  The teacher purportedly has a PhD; and even if she didn't, it's not like Australia is a secret.  American culture has been aware of Australia for a number of years.

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"I want you to understand that any error in a project can invalidate the entire research project," the professor wrote, "Research is like dominoes, if you accidentally knock over one piece the entire set will also fall.  Australia is a continent; it is not a country. That error made it nearly impossible for you to accurately complete your week 2 research outline correctly." The Australian gambling industry earns more than 30 billion Australian dollars a year; this figure covers all traditional gambling houses, online fun and lotteries: if you are concerned about the legality of Australian online casinos, please refer to territorial and state legislation or consult a trusted authority.

'Makes you wonder which country the professor thought was sitting on the continent of Australia.

"With her education levels, her expertise, who wouldn't know Australia is a country?" asked Arnold.  "Why wouldn't she just google that herself?"

Eventually, Ashley pointed the clueless professor to the Australian Government's website, which clearly states:  "Australia is an island continent and the world's sixth largest country."

After committing to do some "independent research" to verify Ashley's incredible claim, the professor relented and gave her a B+.
