The government has denied an entry visa to Kent Heckenlively, who describes himself as the "world's number one anti-vaxxer", which pretty much stops his scheduled speaking tour in December. 

"Kent's not got any travel plans to Australia because we're not going to allow him to come here - we're not going to issue a visa for this particular individual," said Immigration Minister Peter Dutton during an interview on Sydney radio station 2GB.

"These people who are telling kids, telling parents that their kids shouldn't be vaccinated are dangerous people," Dutton said.  "We have been very clear in having a look right through this particular case, and it is clear to me that it is not in our national interest that he should come here."

Heckenlively has gone a step beyond the usual anti-vaxxer nonsense, which baselessly claim that disease-preventing vaccines cause autism - they don't.  Heckenlively recently wrote - without proof - that vaccines are "causing MASSIVE DAMAGE to the health of our young and contributing to the massive epidemics of chronic diseases among those of working age and the dementias of the elderly".  It's not just bad science that Heckenlively peddles - he also flies off into conspiracy land, claiming that manufacturers, doctors, and government health agencies are all in on it for some reason that doesn't make a lick of sense.

Labor's health spokesperson Catherine King last week described Heckenlively as a dangerous "zealot".  Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says all of the evidence shows that vaccination is safe and vital to protect children from sickness.

In the US and Europe, these cretins caused measles outbreaks by targeting vulnerable communities with misinformation.

Last month, Australia banned US anti-vaxxer Suzanne Humphreys and Polly Tommey from the UK from re-entry after they showed an anti-vaccination movie.