Hello Australia!! - The US messes up big-time in Syria - Surprising revelations about stuff Israel won't admit having - Trump issues another call to assassination - And more in your CareerSpot Global News Briefs:

The US is admitting responsibility for an airstrike that killed at least 80 Syrian troops.  The US Defense Department says it was targeting Islamic State forces - which are not included in the US-Russian brokered ceasefire - and did not realize the Syrians where there in Deir al-Zour on the Euphrates River in the eastern part of the country.  Once informed, the Americans say, they broke off the attack.  Damascus says the US blunder allowed Islamic State to advance.  Russia was already complaining that US-backed rebel groups violated the cease-fire at least 199 times.

Israel has 200 nuclear weapons "all targeted on Tehran," according to a leaked email from former US Secretary of State and Defense Secretary Colin Powell.  The leak provides a rare glimpse into Israel's nuclear capabilities, which Israel will admit to and which Washington will not acknowledge.  The remark comes in the context of Powell reassuring a donor to the Democratic Party (Powell himself is a Republican) that even if Iran is able to develop one nuclear weapon, it can't use it while faced with such overwhelming odds.

At the Paralympic Games in Brazil, Iranian cyclist Bahman Golbarnezhad suffered cardiac arrest and died on a "mountainous stretch" of the men's C4-5 road race circuit.  Officials are investigating the death of Mr. Golbarnezhad, who also competed at the London Paralympics in 2012, and the Iranian flag has been lowered to half staff in the Olympic Village.

Fascist scumbag Donald Trump called for Hillary Clinton's US Secret Service protective detail to "drop all weapons" and "disarm immediately" so that gun-lovers could "see what happens to her".  It is, in fact, a dog-whistle call to political violence which Trump has made before.  The Republican arsewipe claims that Hillary Clinton wants to do away with the US Constitution's second amendment which preserves gun ownership rights, which is completely untrue.  Even Republican political consultants are demanding that the Secret Service investigate Trump's second call for assassination of a rival.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is promising to discipline an aide who plagiarized a landmark 2008 speech given by Barack Obama in Chicago's Grant Park upon winning that year's US Presidential election.  The two lines were two close to be discounted as coincidence.  The two men are due to meet in the upcoming US General Assembly in New York.

Beijing is punishing local officials Gansu province in northwestern China for failing to take care of an impoverished family who died in a murder-suicide.  While officials bragged of road widening projects and such, they voted to do away with the families benefits and leave them dependent on subsistance farming.  Unable to feed herself or her four very young children, 28-year old Yang Gailin axed them to death and killed herself.  The husband committed suicide a week later.  Beijing has also allowed public discussions in the press and social media about the tragedy, even though it is clamping down on free expression elsewhere.

Tens of thousands of Germans protested against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), one of those crappy multinational trade deals that critics (rightly) say will lower European standards on food and environmental protection, and could lead to outsourcing and job-losses.  Supporters say it will support growth (ha ha ha ha ha ha). 

The European Union's four eastern members are threatening to veto the Brexit, unless the rights or their citizens to continue to work in Britain are protected by the final deal.  The Visegrad group - Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic - "will be uncompromising," according to Slovakia PM Robert Fico.  EU officials also warned that Britain would not gain access to the EU's single market unless UK Prime Minister Theresa May accepted rules allowing the "freedom of movement" of workers across Europe.  London's hugely powerful banks are also demanding that Ms. May guarantee that access.  It kind of looks like even if the Brexit ever actually happens, the new status quo will be a lot like the present.

A team of Russian scientists will try to stick it out for a few more weeks, while polar bears encircle their camp.  About 10 bears have surrounded the five meteorologists on a Troynoy Island outpost, where they are trying to make weather observations - if the gigantic carnivores would just let them.  A helicopter delivered much-needed supplies and replacement dogs for the one the polar bears ate.  Unable to go outside to work, and unable to make a run for it, the scientists are waiting for the waters around the island to freeze, and the bears can leave to pursue their usual game.  That's assuming that the warmest 2016 on record doesn't delay the winter freeze.