Russian nationalists and racists effectively hijacked a National Unity Day observation in Moscow.  The holiday was created by Vladimir Putin to bring Russians together and replace the Soviet-era Holiday that celebrated the liberation of Russia from the Czars in the 1917 revolution. 

That Soviet holiday was considered too divisive.  But compare it with today; the marchers carried banners reading “Young people against tolerance”.  The nationalists affected the raised right hand gestures and fascist symbolism of the barbarous nazi invaders that their grandparents valiantly fought and defeated with years of sacrifice and blood and death.  Eventually, police dispersed the worst among them, the nazis and brawlers.

The demonstrators object to the presence of follow Russians from different ethnic groups to the south, from the Caucuses, and from their former Soviet allies in Central Asia – Anyone who is not an ethnic Slav.

All this comes three weeks after racist rioters targeted a vegetable warehouse where they believed the alleged migrant killer of an ethnic Russian man was working.  Police responded to the mob violence by rounding up their targets, more than 1,000 migrants working at the warehouse.