Saudi Arabia for the first time is recognizing Domestic Abuse as a punishable crime.  Until now, Saudi laws considered violence against women and children to be a private, family matter.

The cabinet approved a new law that can impose a jail term of up to one year and a fine from roughly A$1,450 to A$14,500.

Minister of Culture and Information Dr. Abdulaziz Khoja said in a statement that there are provisions in the law to provide shelter, as well as psychological, social and health care to victims of abuse, in addition to taking legal action against the abusers.

It’s a sign that at least some attitudes in the oil kingdom are changing.  A public information campaign against domestic abuse was launched earlier this year, featuring an image of a veiled woman with only her eyes visible, one of them clearly blackened.  Underneath it said, “Some things can't be covered up.”