Edward Snowden might leave Russia – A nazi war criminal might be buried in an unlikely and disturbing place – And usually when your countrymen returning home from a harrowing ordeal, you’d welcome them back instead of questioning their loyalty and wondering aloud of they’ve been turned into enemy radicals, right?  I mean, it’s the decent, reasonable thing to do, right?

Jewish leaders are outraged after claims that Hitler’s Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller is buried in a Jewish mass grave in Berlin.  Authorities for years searched for the architect of the Holocaust, in Europe and South America but never picked up his trail.  Now, the head of a group that watches over memorials to German resistance fighters is citing an old document that shows Muller was killed in the last days of World War II in Europe, hastily buried, and reburied in the Jewish grave among his victims.  While credible, the claim lacks forensic confirmation.  But it’s troubling enough for the nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal center to call it a “desecration”.

A German lawmaker who met with Edward Snowden in Moscow says the fugitive is willing to travel to Germany to help the investigation into alleged US surveillance of Chancellor Angela Merkel.  Hans-Christian Stroebele of the Greens apparently went on his own and not on behalf of Berlin.  US and German officials met in Washington to try to ease tensions over the alleged eavesdropping.

US President Barack Obama has ordered the National Security Agency (NSA) to stop spying on the United Nations headquarters in New York.  It’s part of his administration’s review of the NSA's vast intelligence collection, following growing objections from leaders and nations who’ve been targeted.  The NSA and the UN are not commenting.

French ultra-right leader Marine LePen provoked outrage when she appeared to suggest that four French hostages who were freed on Tuesday had been “turned” by their Muslim African kidnappers.  This idiotic observation, because after 37-months of imprisonment in the dessert of Niger they came back wearing beards.  As if there were a place to recharge the ol’ triple-head razor out there.  Fellow conservatives chastised LePen for expecting the men to come home in three-piece suits, other demanded she apologize to the men and their families.

China has tightened security in the Northwestern region following the suicide attack in Tiananmen Square, apparently carried out by Muslim Uighurs from Xinjiang province.  Police say the three attackers who burned to death in the attack and their associates were in possession of Jihadist materials.  Uighurs in Xinjiang deny the Tiananmen attack was on their behalf and accuse Beijing of using it as a pretext to further oppression.

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Nairobi to demand justice for a gang rape victim, whose attackers were let go after police made them cut grass at the police station as punishment.  The 16-year old victim’s back was broken before she was abandoned in a pit latrine.  The demonstrators delivered a petition to the government, signed by more than 1,000,000 people, demanding charges be filed against the attackers.

In Rio de Janeiro, a former footballer was murdered, beheaded, and his head left in a knapsack on his front door for his wife to find.  Not exactly the image Brazil wants to put forward for next year’s World Cup.  Police are investigating if 35-year old Joao Rodrigo Silva Santos’ Facebook post asking for help catching shoplifters had anything to do with it. 

Authorities shut down a deep tunnel snaking from Mexico to a warehouse in San Diego, California, used in a sophisticated drug smuggling operation.  It didn’t just have its own electricity and ventilation, it had its own railroad.  US narcs seized eight tons of marijuana and 325 pounds of cocaine; no estimate on how much was smuggled through before they caught on.

Former Sumo Yokozuna (“Grand Champion”) Akebono led a bunch of Zombies attacking Tokyo Tower.  No news here, just wacky Halloween stuff.